Friday 14 September 2012

All Things Austen - The Jane Austen Mysteries by Stephanie Barron

Shout out time!

This is a series of books were Jane Austen is the heroine of the story as she gets herself involved in some dodgy goings on.

There are 11 books in this series - so there is a lovely collection of them to read if you like the first (so that is always a good thing).

Jane Austen and the -

Book 1 - Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor
Book 2 - Man of the Cloth
Book 3 - Wandering Eye
Book 4 - Genius of the Place
Book 5 - Stillroom Maid
Book 6 - Prisoner of Wool House
Book 7 - Ghosts of Netley
Book 8 - Jane and His Lordships Legacy
Book 9 - Barque of Frailty
Book 10 - Madness of Lord Byron
Book 11 - Canterbury Tale

Stephanie Barron's Website is here
Stephanie Barron's Bog is here

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1 comment:

  1. I read the first book in this series last year and really enjoyed it. I need to pick up the rest of them! Thanks for the reminder. :)


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